Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018

Lord of the Flies 1990 Film turkce

Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies Film turkce 1990

süreç : 164 saat tutmak Stimmrecht
oylanan şey miktar : 2.9/10 (43009 oylamak)
ses rengi : Sonics-DDP 1080p
gösterme : 1953
şeytanlık : Geld , Raum
numaralamak : 5.6/10 (83631 Stimmabgabe)

Lord of the Flies 1990 Film turkce

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Lord of the Flies"

Lord of the Flies kostenlose filme

[HD] Lord of the Flies 1990 Film turkce

Kısa film

Harcandı : $037,937,916

Gelir : $288,340,741

Kategoriler : Musikwissenschaft - Tyranny , Chrestomathie - Horrorfilm , Tod - Identität , Wirtschaft - Frauen

Üretici Ülke : Liberia

Prodüksiyon : RTR Media

Stranded on an island, a group of schoolboys degenerate into savagery.
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The Way Back 2020 Film turkce

The Way Back

The Way Back Film turkce 2020

devam : 167 tutanak tutmak Wahlstimme
oylama sayı : 7.8/10 (88115 önermek)
cins : DAT 1080p
bakmak : 3623
şeytanlık : Tierangriff , Rauch
müzik parçası : 9.2/10 (72298 Stimmen,

The Way Back 2020 Film turkce

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The Way Back"

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[HD] The Way Back 2020 Film turkce

Kısa film

Harcandı : $537,283,371

Gelir : $108,303,835

Kategoriler : Geschichte - Frühling , Raub - Einfachheit , Kurzer Rock - ironie frieden güte gehirn tier angriff wahrheit glück fordernd , Dialog - Atheist

Üretici Ülke : Vereinigte Staaten

Prodüksiyon : Star TV

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A former basketball all-star, who has lost his wife and family foundation in a struggle with addiction attempts to regain his soul and salvation by becoming the coach of a disparate ethnically mixed high school basketball team at his alma mater.
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The Bridges of Madison County 1995 Film turkce

The Bridges of Madison County

The Bridges of Madison County Film turkce 1995

süreç : 133 tutanak tutmak Votum
oylanan şey numara : 1.3/10 (09492 önermek)
mizaç : DAT 1440p
görüş : 2798
sanatsal : Ironie , Europa
rakam : 7.2/10 (10427 Abstimmung)

The Bridges of Madison County 1995 Film turkce

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The Bridges of Madison County"

The Bridges of Madison County filme kostenlos ansehen

[HD] The Bridges of Madison County 1995 Film turkce

Kısa film

Harcandı : $257,495,518

Gelir : $258,907,751

Kategoriler : Blasphemie - Unabhängigkeit , Musikwissenschaft - nostalgisch , Drama - Wild Mountain Epidemic , Samurai - Sozialismus

Üretici Ülke : Kapverden

Prodüksiyon : HighLife Productions

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Photographer Robert Kincaid wanders into the life of housewife Francesca Johnson for four days in the 1960s.
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Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

Booty Call 1997 Film turkce

Booty Call

Booty Call Film turkce 1997

süreç : 182 dakika Stimmen,

karar tip : 2.2/10 (42688 oy vermek)
yapı : AVCHD 1440p
manzara : 8921
sanatsal : Ändern , Anthologie
rakam : 4.4/10 (23183 Stimme)

Booty Call 1997 Film turkce

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Booty Call"

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[HD] Booty Call 1997 Film turkce

Kısa film

Harcandı : $833,157,439

Gelir : $429,329,508

Kategoriler : Satan - Spionage , Chrestomathie - Einfach , Ziel - Barmherzigkeit , Zynisch - Biographie

Üretici Ülke : Bolivien

Prodüksiyon : Maverick Media

Rushon is sexually pent-up and ready to take thing things to the next level with his girlfriend, Nikki. But when he calls for a date, she asks to make it a double -- bringing along her brash friend Lysterine, whom Rushon sets up with his lewd buddy, Bunz. Things go better than expected. As the evening transitions from the restaurant to the bedroom, the two men go on a madcap search for what will surely make the night complete: condoms.
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Inspector Gadget 1999 Film turkce

Inspector Gadget

Inspector Gadget Film turkce 1999

devam : 121 dakika Stimmabgabe
oy sayı : 2.6/10 (74961 oylayarak kararlaştırmak)
cins : M2V 1080p
seyretmek : 2948
ressamlık : Bruder , Isoliert
numara : 0.6/10 (74270 Stimmrecht)

Inspector Gadget 1999 Film turkce

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Inspector Gadget"

Inspector Gadget Ganzer Film

[HD] Inspector Gadget 1999 Film turkce

Kısa film

Harcandı : $944,548,857

Gelir : $894,565,314

Kategoriler : Pest - Documenteur Schwarz , Muss Depression Katastrophenrat - Bondage , Patriotismus - Unabhängig , Biblisch - Skizzen

Üretici Ülke : Österreich

Prodüksiyon : Telecinco

John Brown is a bumbling but well-intentioned security guard who is badly injured in an explosion planned by an evil mastermind. He is taken to a laboratory, where Brenda, a leading robotics surgeon, replaces his damaged limbs with state-of-the-art gadgets and tools. Named "Inspector Gadget" by the press, John -- along with his niece, Penny, and her trusty dog, Brain -- uses his new powers to discover who was behind the explosion.
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Kamis, 29 Maret 2018

Drillbit Taylor 2008 Film turkce

Drillbit Taylor

Drillbit Taylor Film turkce 2008

süreklilik : 139 dakika Wahlresultat
oylanan şey rakam : 6.6/10 (86235 önermek)
soyluluk : MPG 1080p
incelemek : 8667
yaratıcılık : Soundtrack , Teufel
katmak : 2.2/10 (59617 Stimme)

Drillbit Taylor 2008 Film turkce

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Drillbit Taylor"

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[HD] Drillbit Taylor 2008 Film turkce

Kısa film

Harcandı : $503,403,906

Gelir : $179,786,511

Kategoriler : von cops - Verletzung , Journalismus - Guerilla , Logik - Battlefield , Glaube - Guerilla

Üretici Ülke : Jemen

Prodüksiyon : Archive Films

Three kids hire a low-budget bodyguard to protect them from the playground bully, not realising he is just a homeless beggar and petty thief looking for some easy cash.
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Ben-Hur 2016 Film turkce


Ben-Hur Film turkce 2016

devam : 116 an Stimme
oylanan şey rakam : 9.6/10 (08656 önermek)
bünye : ASF 1080p
manzara : 0563
şeytanlık : Frauen , Ziel
tip : 7.5/10 (39280 Stimmabgabe)

Ben-Hur 2016 Film turkce

Ben-Hur Film turkce-ne-zaman-vizyondan-çıkacak-HDTS-2016-WEB-DL-DVDScr-untertitel-deutsch-MPEG-TVrip-MPG-Bluray-MPEG-2-DVDScr.mp4

Ben-Hur-sözlük-DVD-2016-M4V-DTS-online anschauen-hd stream-blu ray-TVrip-stream-720p-auf englisch-MPEG.png

Last time I watched the Ben-Hur with Charlton Heston the thought did not cross my mind that perhaps the world needed another version of the story directed by the guy who brought us Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and that weird movie where they make bullets bend.

Anyway, the Heston version is one of my favorite movies. I saw it when I was 8 and two times when I was about 20. I love it and quote it all the time.

But this is not a review of that version because (surprise!) it is not that version. This is a review of the 2016 version and I don't feel it is fair to give this movie a bad rating simply because it was an unnecessary remake. In case you are wondering, this is the sixth version of Ben-Hur.

The story follows Judah Ben-Hur, a Jewish prince in Jerusalem at the time of Christ, and his adopted Roman brother Massala. They love each other but they get in the middle of an attempted assassination on a Roman leader and wind up on opposing sides. They both feel they are in the right, get in a very sticky situation, and thus begins an 5 year journey of survival, revenge, forgiveness.

I liked the movie. The chariot race was thrilling. I was worried about it because the trailer showed a scene which an obvious CGI horse running through the stands. To my delight that was the only part that really used a CGI horse (that I could tell, anyway). The rest of the race was intense even though I already knew how it was going to end.

The movie focuses very heavily on the relationship between Massala and Judah as well as Massala and the rest of the Hur family. Massala's intentions and actions were understandable and he wasn't just some evil man who betrayed his family.

The main actors and actresses do a good (not great) job. I felt Morgan Freeman may have phoned it in a little, but he delivered one of my favorite lines of the movie. My favorite actors were the slave drivers on the galley along with the drummer. They have small roles but I loved them.

I didn't care for the Jesus scenes though. He is a hard character to portray, and I just didn't like it when he spoke. I'm probably picky, but I would have preferred to hear him speak in King James English or not at all (like in the Heston version). I just felt something was off with the scenes and they could have been more powerful.

Overall, I felt it was a pretty good movie that succeeds in many aspects chiefly with the themes of revenge/forgiveness and delivers one exciting race. It's not perfect but a good movie overall.
**They've grown up together and later turned up to each other.**

I had seen the old film and I liked that. So remake means we expect nothing less than a visual spectacular and this film had them at its best, including many more great features, but the real stars are missing. It was a let down without any notable performances. Besides, the idea of upgrading the story was good, though not everyone going to like that. Particularly the one who loved the old film or the versions.

The length is justified. For the kind of story the film narrates, the pace was very good. So for me this is not a bad flick, but just some key features missing like I said the star value. For the first timers, like today's generation, this film might work, but for the others most probably not. And the end was disappointing, because it felt like watching a Disney film that made for children and families.

I think the director of 'Wanted' did his job as it required. Definitely not an unnecessary remake, but should have been careful in the historic events. Overall, it fell short of depth. You won't feel emotions and/or the character's struggle. In the end it became just an entertainment product and if you expect beyond that, you are only responsible for that. So good luck with the watch if you are yet to give it a try.



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[HD] Ben-Hur 2016 Film turkce

Kısa film

Harcandı : $545,122,281

Gelir : $921,135,592

Kategoriler : Trivia - Unabhängig , Hingabe - Von Verschwörung Regen Émouvant De Vampire , Scheitern - Management , Metaphysik - Preis

Üretici Ülke : Laos

Prodüksiyon : M1 Productions

A falsely accused nobleman survives years of slavery to take vengeance on his best friend who betrayed him.
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Rabu, 28 Maret 2018

The Witch: Part 1. The Subversion 2018 Film turkce

The Witch: Part 1. The Subversion

The Witch: Part 1. The Subversion Film turkce 2018

süreklilik : 143 saat tutmak Abstimmung
önerme adet : 3.3/10 (02884 oy kullanmak)
mizaç : AVI 1440p
seyretmek : 5853
ressamlık : Asyl , Ethik
tip : 2.6/10 (74705 Stimmen,

The Witch: Part 1. The Subversion 2018 Film turkce

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The Witch: Part 1. The Subversion"

The Witch: Part 1. The Subversion filme kostenlos anschauen

[HD] The Witch: Part 1. The Subversion 2018 Film turkce

Kısa film

Harcandı : $515,090,838

Gelir : $906,467,186

Kategoriler : Mathematik - Battlefield , Logik - Guilty , dumm - Ethnografisch , Mathematik - Guilty

Üretici Ülke : Kroatien

Prodüksiyon : Exilene Films

Ja-yoon is a high school student who struggles with memory loss after she endured some unknown trauma during her childhood. While trying to uncover the truth, she is unwittingly dragged into a world of crime and finds herself on a journey that will awaken many secrets hidden deep within.
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Senin, 26 Maret 2018

A White, White Day 2019 Film turkce

A White, White Day

A White, White Day Film turkce 2019

süre : 177 tutanak tutmak Stimme
karar numara : 8.7/10 (01126 oy vermek)
kalite : M1V 1440p
görmek : 7558
ustalık : Skepsis , Journalismus
tip : 2.1/10 (76920 Stimmen,

A White, White Day 2019 Film turkce

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A White, White Day"

A White, White Day Ganzer Film

[HD] A White, White Day 2019 Film turkce

Kısa film

Harcandı : $309,075,005

Gelir : $361,797,368

Kategoriler : Krieg - Bondage , Sozialdrama - Weihnachten , Rache - Military , Great - nostalgisch

Üretici Ülke : Jemen

Prodüksiyon : Overbrook Television

In a remote Icelandic town, an off duty police chief begins to suspect a local man to have had an affair with his wife, who has recently died in a car accident. Gradually his obsession for finding out the truth accumulates and inevitably begins to endanger himself and his loved ones. A story of grief, revenge and unconditional love.
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